Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unification 2014

On Saturday RIT held their annual Unification performance as a part of Freezefest. Unification is put on by RIT's global union. It is a series of performances from different cultural groups on campus. This is the second year I have had the pleasure of photographing this event for RIT's University News.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Environmental Portraits

I'm currently working on an environmental portrait assignment so this week I went down to R Bikes and also to Gallea's Greenhouse.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

29th Annual Big Shot

RIT does an event called the Big Shot every year. People from the community come out and use flashlights and flashes to paint a building with light. This year we lit Rochester's High Falls. 

Polar Plunge 2014

Sunday I went to Rochester's Polar Plunge for the second year in a row. Here's a couple of shots.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Mummers Parade

Every New Years Day Philadelphia hosts the Mummers Day Parade. It's a parade where performers dress up and play music and put on very elaborate performances all up and down Broad Street. 

Chip Fest

In December RIT hosted an 8 bit music concert called Chip Fest. Here's a shot of performer Danimal Cannon.

Brick City 5K

Back in October I shot a 5k so here's something from that.

Way Behind

Sorry I've been away from here for so long. Here are a few shots from DC.
Evan Vucci from AP during a meeting we had there.
 While staying in DC I walked past the capitol building every day multiple times.